Chhattisgarh / Raipur

Nageshwari of village Kathia who was once a housewife, is now a Lakhpati Didi too


Earning more than a lakh rupees annually from 500 chickens

Bought a car from the earnings, is educating children, now preparing to build a farm of a thousand chickens

Raipur : Nageshwari was once an ordinary housewife, but today she is Lakhpati Didi. Mrs. Nageshwari Verma, a resident of village Kathia, was an ordinary housewife 5 years ago. She was confined to the kitchen of the house, but today she is standing on her own feet and along with taking care of the household, she is earning 1.5 to 2 lakh rupees annually, that too from a business like poultry farming. Nageshwari's children are getting good education and she is also preparing to raise one thousand chickens on her own. Today Nageshwari is repeatedly thanking Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai and saying that whatever I am today is because of them. Other women like me have also become self-reliant through this scheme.
500 मुर्गियों से कमा रही सालाना लाख रूपये से अधिक

Mrs. Verma tells that a few years ago she got a loan of about 1.5 lakh rupees with the help of Bihaan. After this she started poultry farming business. She got help for a chicken shed from MNREGA. Initially she raised chickens in small numbers, then gradually seeing the profit she reached 500 chickens today. She started selling these chickens to the big poultry farm owners nearby, now they themselves come and take them away.

Mrs. Verma tells that after getting good success in poultry farming business and earning good income in the last five years, she built a new house, bought a two-wheeler and now she is giving good education to her children, her son is doing BBA and she is also planning a good career for her daughter. Thus, along with Goddess Lakshmi, her house also has the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.

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